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To start this assignment, download this zip file.

Lab 2c — Decomposition


5 minutes

Download the zip file for this lab, located above. This zip file has worlds that you will use for Bit. Extract the files and put them in your cs110 directory in a folder called lab2c.

Exercise 1

5 minutes

Bit starts in this world:

an empty 6x3 world

and runs this code:

from byubit import Bit

def leap(bit):
    if bit.front_clear():
    if bit.front_clear():
    if bit.front_clear():

def paint_spots(bit):
    while bit.front_clear():

def fill_green(bit):
    while bit.front_clear():

@Bit.empty_world(6, 3)
def go(bit):

if __name__ == '__main__':

(1) What does the final world look like?

(2) In the code you downloaded, find and run it to be sure you have the right answer.

Discuss with the TA if there is anything you don’t understand about functions.


15 minutes

Bit starts in a world that has some rectangular blocks. Here is world #1

a world with some black rectangles

and world #2:

a world with some black rectangles

Bit needs to surround each of the blocks with green squares:

the sides of the black rectangles have green squares

the sides of the black rectangles have green squares

  1. This is a decomposition problem! Work with a friend to draw out your solution. See the guide on decomposition for examples of how to do this.

  2. After you draw it out, discuss the steps with the TA.

  3. Once you have a good idea of how to solve it, write code, using functions.

You can find starter code in


15 minutes

Bit starts in a world that has some empty pools. Here is world #1

a world with empty pools

and world #2:

a world with some empty pools

Bit needs to fill each pool with water and then plant a flower on the right side:

the pools filled, with a flower on the right edge

the pools filled, with a flower on the right edge

  1. Guess what, this is another decomposition problem! :-) Work with a friend to draw out your solution.

  2. After you draw it out, discuss the steps with the TA.

  3. Be careful about filling the pool. You can do this left to right or top to bottom.

  4. Once you have a good idea of how to solve the problem, write code, using functions.

You can find starter code in

Preview Homework

10 minutes

Discuss the next set of homework problems. Are there any difficulties you anticipate? Talk about decomposition strategies, but each student should write their own code.


To finish this lab and receive a grade, take the canvas quiz.